It is remarkable how quickly unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) have gone from a technical marvel to a tool widely used in many industries. 也叫无人驾驶飞行器(UAV)或无人驾驶飞机, you’ll find them providing an airborne perspective in a wide range of environments, 包括:

  • 体系结构
  • 建设
  • 农业
  • 军事
  • 环境保护
  • 传媒及娱乐

他们是否制作静态照片, 视频直播, 或者两个角色都有, their contribution to the success of projects and ongoing initiatives can be a true game changer. 即便如此, 具有讽刺意味的是,无人驾驶飞机系统, 它们非常敏捷,几乎可以飞到任何地方, 仍然经常要乘卡车旅行, 船舶或其他运输方式到达使用地点.

Drones contain sensitive technology and can cost anywhere from hundreds to thousands to millions of dollars in the case of the most advanced military unmanned aerial vehicles. 因此, it is important that they be handled with care and by a company that excels at specialized packing, 装箱和运输, and is trusted by companies and organizations to transport these valuable assets.


If you have been tasked with getting your organization’s drones from one place to another, 请牢记下面的关键注意事项.

  1. 正确处理无人机的电源. 无人驾驶飞行器通常由电池供电, with some more advanced drones augmenting that power with hydrogen fuel cells to enable them to stay airborne for an extended period. 无论你的车辆使用哪种类型的动力, it is vital that you handle fuel sources carefully and appropriately, as they may meet the definition of “hazardous materials” that many carriers use. 这通常意味着将它们从无人机上移除, 妥善包装, 分别运输, 完成适当的 有害物质的文档.
  2. 了解您的无人机系统的特定敏感性. Each type and size of drone has its own unique instrumentation and other features. Knowing where and how a drone is susceptible to damage enables you address those vulnerabilities and ensure those areas in particular are protected from damage.
  3. 使用合适的运输集装箱. The type of container you select in consultation with your specialty shipping company will depend on multiple factors, 包括尺寸, 无人机的形状和重量, 它的目的地和到达目的地的路线, 等. 例如,三壁 瓦楞纸箱 可以为小型车辆提供足够的保护. On the other hand, a larger UAS will likely require a custom-engineered 木头箱. 如果你定期运送无人机, a reusable 木头箱 with hinges and a ramp for loading may be the right option. The key is to carefully consider the hazards your UAS will face during transport and address them with your packaging strategy. 无论如何, it is important to have a container that is large enough to accommodate the vehicle, but small enough that the device can easily be cushioned and supported. Also, 木头箱s that will be traveling to other countries will have to have the ISPM 15“bug stamp”—the indicator that they have been specially treated to ensure the wood does not contain pests that can lead to an infestation at the destination location.
  4. 使用合适的包装材料. Not only do you need to protect your UAS from shock and vibration during shipping, you also may want to shield certain components from static electricity and/or corrosion caused by moisture in the air, 特别是在远洋航行中. There are specialized bags and barriers designed for those purposes.
  5. 了解适用的法规. In some instances, there may be rules and regulations that cover the transporting of drones. 在这里再次, 有害物质要求可能会起作用, 取决于车辆使用的燃料类型. 像crater这样的专业包装和运输公司 & 货运商可以提供一些关于这些要求的见解, but you should also do your own research to be sure you stay within the law.
  6. 为你的无人驾驶飞机系统投保. 在全球赌博十大网站 & 货轮,我们通常可以提供 货物保险 来掩护你的无人机. 或者,你可以选择自己投保. 不管怎样,有保险是很重要的. While every precaution is taken to make sure your vehicle arrives safely at its destination, 总有一些变数是任何人都无法控制的. And should an incident occur, you want to be certain you are compensated for any loss.



Another step in coordinating the shipping of an unmanned aircraft system is deciding on the right shipping services. 例如,全球赌博十大网站 & 网上十大娱乐网站排名 offers a number of transportation modes, shipping speeds, 等. 这包括:

  • 加急运输,如次日服务
  • 地面(包括平板)
  • 海洋
  • 空气
  • 提货和送货
  • 国内运输
  • 国际出口全球赌博十大网站
  • 危险品处理服务
  • 索具
  • 项目货物援助

Also critical to the successful transport of unmanned aircraft systems is shipping logistics. 特色包装, 装箱和运输 company you select should have extensive expertise in this area. Being able to determine the whereabouts of your shipped drone at any time is essential.

但更重要的是,像我们在全球赌博十大网站的全球赌博十大网站物流专家 & 网上十大娱乐网站排名 have the experience and the global network of contacts that enable them to ensure your shipment arrives safely and on time. Issues can arise at any point on a drone’s path from origin to destination. A skilled shipping coordinator can help you avoid pitfalls and navigate any hurdles your UAS encounters along the way. 这种援助是非常宝贵的, 并且可以使一个紧张的过程简化和无麻烦.


让全球赌博十大网站去有很多好处 & 网上十大娱乐网站排名 handle your UAS shipping—from saving time you can use on other tasks to leveraging our expertise to help ensure timely delivery. 仍然, it is understandable that some organizations are reluctant to delegate this process, even when they are handing it off to a company with a strong background in shipping sensitive and valuable technology.

The best way to overcome that reluctance is to contact us and have a conversation about your needs and how we can meet them. Customers tell us that our in-depth understanding of the challenges of shipping drones and other high-tech assets came through immediately in our discussions with them, 让所有利益相关者放心.

If you have questions about our services and experience in technology shipping in general, 尤其是无人机运输, 请与 全球赌博十大网站 & 货轮位置在你附近 在你方便的时候.